Welcome to SKipper page!
Welcome to SKipper, the best way to view Signal K data on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and Raspberry PI!
SKipper can run on various devices, from Raspberry PI to PC, from your Android phone to Apple IPad device.
Signal K compatible
SKipper app is fully compatible with Signal K server and shows all available data.
User can define any number of pages to display any ship data. The appearance of each page can be easily customized by adding different elements.
From boater
I designed SKipper for boating to have a reliable good looking app to control my boat.
What others say
Brian Smith
SKipper is simply the best way to view Signal K data on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.
Privacy policy
SKipper application does not share any user data with third parties, the data obtained from the ship’s sensors is processed only in the application and is not sent away from the application in any case.